Bill Sardi reviews recent scientific literature published in academic journals regarding the resurgence of vitamin C therapy for cancer.
In the late 70s, Linus Pauling reported greater long-term survival for cancer patients who were administered oral and intravenous vitamin C – but his paper was dismissed and overlooked following inconclusive clinical trials. Nearly thirty years later, there has been a surge of interest in vitamin C cancer therapy, reflected in an increase of scientific research, including clinical trials. Science Magazine, a prestigious top-tier, high-impact, peer-reviewed academic journal, recently published an article reporting that cancer-inducing gene mutations are selectively killed when exposed to high levels of vitamin C. Just six months ago, Science featured a report discussing recent ascorbate breakthroughs in their News section.
Sardi highlights earlier results of vitamin C therapy, uncovers other works by Pauling that have also been overlooked, and provides a detailed list of research centers and publications – in the past four years, scientists from 13 different countries in 28 universities and clinics have published 37 papers featuring Vitamin C cancer therapy.
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